Meet Reneé

I woke up this morning naturally, without the buzzing of an alarm but instead by chirping of birds. Without stress, without worry, without contempt. I looked out the huge picture window into the sunrise over the calm ocean waves and my whole being was and still is just buzzing with life and fulfillment. I have to remind myself throughout the day that this is a reality. That I’ve created this freedom in my mind and in my life to experience the moment that’s right in front of me, to the fullest.


This didn’t come overnight. I didn’t just all of a sudden wake up one day in a high rise apartment on the beach (heck no, lol). In hindsight, I’m able to tell you my story and how I got to where I am, but I’ll be honest the entire time, this was never the grand plan! I had visions and manifestations for my future, but I always allow my mind and spirit to be open to opportunities.


When I think of all the things I did, all the work I put in, the experiences both good and bad, it comes down to these three pillars: minimalism, mindset and wealth creation. Just like pillars supporting the weight of a building, I wouldn’t be at this stage in my life without working on all three of these areas and putting systems in place for everything.


I had no idea I’d be a digital nomad. A life of traveling the world, only working a few hours per day (when and where I want) and spending my time experiencing life to the fullest seemed so far out of reach, it wasn’t even in my imagination!


Here’s the thing, I didn’t just pack a backpack and bounce. I didn’t have a terrible life & living as a digital nomad was the next shinny answer to my problems. Not at all, I had a good life and it took work to redefine what it meant to live fully on my terms and create an exceptional life. Once I defined this, I created systems that propelled me from one step to the next, to get me where I wanted to be.


I’m happy to be showing a different side of the digital nomad lifestyle. One in which you can put systems in place, to give you the freedom to have everything you want while living anywhere you want. I’m not interested in showing off, I’d rather show you how.


With love,
