Discover Your Freedom

Design your business around the lifestyle of your dreams now.

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Don’t delay freedom until someday…What if “someday” never comes?

Welcome, Fancy Nomad

If you’re just starting your digital nomad journey or thinking of becoming a digital nomad…and would also be described as high performing, high achieving or high maintenance (whether you admit it or not) – this is the place for you! When I began traveling full time, essentially living as a “digital nomad” – I struggled a ton. From how to run my business remotely with a 16-hour time difference, to cramming everything I own into one carry-on. 

I love being a minimalist. I have so much freedom not being concerned with the ownership of stuff. 

I love my free time. No keeping up with obligations and instead doing what ever I please. 

But here’s the thing is, I like luxury and making money too… sharing bathrooms in hostels and eating street noodles every day just aren’t my thing. This is where “fancy” comes in. I’m here to tell you that you can have both – live anywhere AND have anything you want in life – the life of a Fancy Nomad.

I dish out my exact tools, tactics and resources of how I went from living check-to-check, $25K in credit card debt, a house full of stuff, working 50+ hours per week to now living in abundance with the freedom to decide how every day of my life is going to be spent.

Ticket to Freedom

Create freedom in your life and business by doing less of what you think you need & more of what you want.

If you’re a solo-entrepreneur or coach overwhelmed with DIY-ing “all the things” and would rather implement the right systems to simplify your business while creating wealth & success in your life, check out the Ticket To Freedom program for the opportunity to work together.

Regain the freedom you desire to have more time, experiences, and joy in your life all while you scale your business.